So, after sleeping with another person in a single bed, being raped by a mosquito net, knowing that your good friend BB had touched himself while growing up in your resting place, there wasn't much resting. In fact, it is a good thing you hardly slept, because your sister turned up as his mother (owner of the property we took over) entered the kitchen.
So, as ten people took off to fish again and to for a swim with the two vegetarians at seven in the morning, you saw that you now had fifteen mouths to feed.
Okay, I will now change to a first person narration, I believe that will be less confusing because I'm blogging. Oh, the wonders of blogging, bad grammar and non-continuation.
Sorry B's.
So, what was breakfast? Mr DaVa and I did this in the kitchen as the remainders watched us converse over sharing space and why we did and didn't want to do things. Unfortunately, they said it was like watching a really funny cooking show with a couple of clowns.
Better than them noticing that it would have been Gargamel and a Smurf cooking the night before.
Breakfast for 15:
6 eggs
half their volume in soy milk/milk/cream
whisk together the eggs and soy/non soy choice. Season and cook in a heavy based pan over a low heat, stirring continuously until they are almost set. Transfer to a plate for serving and add some "Why the hell not."
1 block of firm tofu, sliced
lemon juice
3 cloves of garlic, diced
2 "Why the hell nots?", sliced
Marinade the tofu in honey, to taste with salt, pepper, soy, lemon juice, garlic and some oil. Heat so oil in a pan and add the tofu, cooking over a high heat until done. Transfer to plate and add the peanuts. Fry off the "Why the hell nots?" and throw over the top with the peanuts.
I assume sliced cucmber is self-explanatory.
Spinach was sauteed with a shitload of finely sliced garlic in a hot pan and seasoned with salt and pepper.
All the leftover potato salad from the night before
3 cloves of garlic, finely sliced
1 bunch of parsley stalks, chopped
1/4 bunch of parsley leaves, coarsley chopped
1 handful of sundried tomatoes, finely chopped
1 large tomato, halved and sliced
5 eggs
2 handfuls of grated cheese
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Heat a generous glug of oil to a heavy based, oven safe pan over high heat. Fry off the parsley stalks and then turn the heat down to medium. Add the garlic and then followed by all the left over potato salad. Turn the heat back up on high, and flatten all the potato to one layer and try to fit it tightly, and fry till you have a crisp base. Season and then add the sundried tomatoes and parsley leaves.
Whisk the eggs and half the volume of them in milk, and season with salt and pepper.
Pour over the top of the mixture in the pan and then arrange the fresh tomato slices over the top. Allow to cook for a couple of minutes over medium heat and then sprinkle the cheese over the top and transfer to the oven for 15-20 minutes.
It is ready when it is golden, puffy and the egg parts no longer wobble. Allow to stand for a few minutes before slicing.
Me- did you just drink from my glass?
BB- was there gin in there?
Me- Yes!
BB- Bloody hell, I thought I just discovered poor man's gin and tonic!
And if anyone could do it, it would be BB.
BB is such an industrious fellow.
That spring onion garnish is untamed and off the hook.
Looking at your blog at work makes me hungry
yes, and borges would say:
Whoever embraces a woman is Adam. The woman is Eve.
Everything happens for the first time.
I saw something white in the sky. They tell me it is the moon, but
what can I do with a word and a mythology.
Trees frighten me a little. They are so beautiful.
The calm animals come closer so that I may tell them their names.
The books in the library have no letters. They spring forth when I open them.
Leafing through the atlas I project the shape of Sumatra.
Whoever lights a match in the dark is inventing fire.
Inside the mirror an Other waits in ambush.
Whoever looks at the ocean sees England.
Whoever utters a line of Liliencron has entered into battle.
I have dreamed Carthage and the legions that destroyed Carthage.
I have dreamed the sword and the scale.
Praised be the love wherein there is no possessor and no possessed, but both surrender.
Praised be the nightmare, which reveals to us that we have the power to create hell.
Whoever goes down to a river goes down to the Ganges.
Whoever looks at an hourglass sees the dissolution of an empire.
Whoever plays with a dagger foretells the death of Caesar.
Whoever dreams is every human being.
In the desert I saw the young Sphinx, which has just been sculpted.
There is nothing else so ancient under the sun.
Everything happens for the first time, but in a way that is eternal.
Whoever reads my words is inventing them.
Pony- off the hook like Buster Bluth?
You went to the beach. You must be sick...
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