Monday, March 2, 2009

It's so fitting

that I eat a Florentine bought from, "the only place to buy sweets from on Smith St. The Italians," says Renato- while reading back posts from David Lebovitz.

Renren says that he dressed up for a Private Investigator's meeting in the morning and sat there for 30 minutes and waited for the other members and realised he was the only one.

"Of course no one else would show up at that meeting, but then I started stalking someone in the library and forgot a bag of the Florentines."

So, we shared two between the four of us.

A thick slab of dark chocolate with whole roasted almonds, peanuts, apricots, glace cherries, saltanas in that thick caramel goo. No! I think David would approve.

Unfortunately, I cannot specify the exact place Renato bought this from as we didn't get into that discussion.

Back to work after the mid-afternoon sweet.

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